David Bradley, MBA
Managing Director
Meet David Bradley, MBA
David Bradley is an expert in digital marketing strategy. He serves as Board President of the Association of Marketing Professionals of Rhode Island, a mentor with SCORE Rhode Island, and an Advisor with Social Enterprise Greenhouse. David has consulted with funded startups and nine-figure organizations alike with a keen awareness and focus on what efforts are effective, relevant and sustainable based on a company’s unique market and situation.
Philosopher of Science Thomas Kuhn wrote The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn discovered that most paradigm shifts in science are brought about either by young people or people originally trained in a different discipline. This is because they were not trapped by a concept called “Einstellung”, which will block thoughts due to their preceding training. David believes in this concept across all areas of personal and professional development and frequently applies learnings unrelated to marketing to his work; an effective technique for expansive thinking and strategic perspectives.
David operates out of Bbg’s office in Providence, Rhode Island and resides in Warwick, RI. Much of his career has included serving clientele throughout Southern New England (Boston, MA, New York, NY), but today, the majority of his work is serving a national and international client base.
- MBA, Providence College – Marketing
- BS, Rhode Island College – Marketing, Operations
- Board President, Association of Marketing Professionals of Rhode Island (amp-ri.com)
- Mentor, SCORE Rhode Island (ri.score.org)
- Advisor, Social Enterprise Greenhouse (segreenhouse.org)
- Resident Member, The University Club of Providence, RI (uclubprov.com)
- Committee Member, Council for Advancement & Support of Education (caseone.org)
- College Leadership Rhode Island Program Committee Member (leadershipri.org)
- Chair, Alumni Communications Committee of Rhode Island College (ric.edu)
- Director, Rhode Island College Alumni Association (ric.edu)
- Business Education Innovation Program, Providence College (providence.edu)
- Annual Event Planning Committee Member, Sojourner House (sojournerri.org)
Thought Leadership
Books Published
- Getting Digital Marketing Right, 2015 (amazon.com)
- Digital Marketing MBA, 2018 (amazon.com)
Courses Published
- Getting Digital Marketing Right with over 11,600 students representing 135+ countries (udemy.com)
- The Consulting MBA program for starting a marketing services business (consultingmba.com)